Wednesday, February 24, 2010

i am in love

with this song and video. especially the cute older lady that dances! [remember this post on my taiwan co-worker's blog?] it makes me want to travel somewhere warm. and somewhere where dogs roam free and dancing happens in the streets. amy was always talking about puerto rico....

p.s. i WILL incorporate this in my wedding.

p.p.s. did i mention that it took me 25 MINUTES to find parking this morning?? oh and i didnt even find it. after 25 minutes, i turned around and went home. i wish it was warm enough to bike everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. i miss biking everywhere.
    i miss exercise of praise.

    and. if you want to change any html stuff in your layout, just google it. i've found all the answers i've had just my searching my questions on google. there are much smarter computer people than me, and they've already answered all my questions.
