Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No gears? No problem.

1000 ARISE (the beauty of being on vacation)
1100 skype
1230 leave for daily adventure
200 arrive at liyu lake, get stared at.
205 take pictures of the scenery, run into a student of amy's, get stared at.
210 start up the bike trial, laugh at some of the silly looking bikes, get stared at.
230 find a cool looking path...follow it. escape the staring.
300 halfway up the birdwatching trial
400 think my legs are going to fall off and my head might explode
430 reach the top, everything becomes worth it.
500 try to find dinner, unsuccessful. dejected, we head home. amy's gears aren't working quite right...get stared at.
610 get dinner at the night market. ronald and our aborigine pull through for us again. and get stared at some more.
630 home sweet home. thought about the stare downs today. couldn't figure it out.
700 yoga yoga yoga, remind myself that those who matter don't judge and those who do judge don't matter.
800 take a much needed shower
830 add pictures to facebook. inspect myself for any weird growths/colorings that might have made me look unhuman...find nothing.
900 blog.

[not sure why we got stared at so much today compared to every other day. people reacted to us like we weren't even humans or anything. they full on stared us down, even when we looked back at them. there wasn't any shame or embarrassment over the fact that they were caught staring at us. it kind of weirded me out to be honest. note to self: don't stare at people who look different than you. no matter your mindset, it makes them feel ostracized and self-conscious. like they have grown a large lump on their nose or something]

anyways, pictures aren't loading. i might try to post them later.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. I hate getting stared at. ALL. WEEK. LONG.
