Monday, April 27, 2009

reading list

inspired by my paradisaical adventures at BYUH where beach book reading occurred weekly [exactly a year ago!]

to read
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night

and to reread

Harry Potter VII [yes, i do still harbor a secret desire to be a wizard]
The Poisonwood Bible

thank you ctash for the picture. love you and the memories we made.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

fantasies realized

i had a two hour break between temple work and the reception so i decided to walk around taipei a bit. after unsuccessfully searching for an MRT station, i decided to look JUST LOOK inside a cute dress shop. my mistake. the minute i walked in, i was immediately helped by this nice asian woman who didn't speak any english. so i figured...since she is helping me already, why not grab a dress for the reception? easier said than done. picture me acting out a wedding ceremony complete with "walking down the aisle" and "putting on the ring". once she understood, the party started. she promptly took the dresses from my hands, saying they were bad colors and pushed me into a dressing room with a foreign looking object in my hands. [and by foreign, i don't mean a beautiful chinese dress, i mean an object most likely from outer space] my awkwardness grew as she threw more and more hideous dresses my way. it was comparable to being a princess that got to try on every single dress until she found the perfect one. except for some reason, all the cute ones were "bu hao!" and so i was left to try on space suits, pink belly-givers, metallic cover-ups, pregnancy dresses, and large velvet numbers. all made me look HUGE and gave me lumps i didn't even know i had. and that is when the camera came out. here are some of the atrocities. enjoy!

feeding frenzy

after way too long without milk and cereal, i kind of went crazy this week
and as you know, eating produces dishes
dishes produce work
of which we have no time to do
hence the sink
and the four [now empty] cereal boxes right next to it

Saturday, April 25, 2009

coincidences make life.

went up to taipei yesterday to do some temple work. i walked on to temple grounds and saw a beautiful couple getting married. as i walk up to the temple doors i see SCOTT and JM. from BYUH. we all worked together at the PCC. did i mention i am in TAIWAN?! it was crazy. scott's mom is originally from taiwan and most of his extended family lives out here so they came out to taipei to get married-i just so happen to be at the temple while he and JM were getting married! they invited me to their reception and we all had a lovely time. they are staying out here until june and so we all agreed that a trip down to hualien was necessary. i am excited to see them again.

doesn't JM make a gorgeous bride?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

why stacey why?

so i had the genius idea of trying to recreate the solar system on one of my classroom walls. it is going to involve a very large sun [the sun does contain most of our solar system's mass!] and a large jupiter [the biggest planet], both decorated with small bits of torn paper. and then rockets, stars, moons, and all the other planets were going to be included. and that genius idea has gotten me as far as....
  • a half empty classroom wall [i couldn't reach the high stuff and it was pouring outside so i was scared of transporting the ladder from classroom to classroom]
  • a barely finished jupiter. which i am currently avoiding because i don't think i can rip and paste anymore bits of red and orange paper.
  • a bunch of stuck together moons because the kids stacked them while they were still wet with glue
  • a whole basket of kiddie scissors that somehow got slipped into my supplies
  • regret that there are no interns [aka mignons] out here to help me
  • an active imagination for how i am going to get all this stuff home so i don't have to do it again. ever.
  • a weird sense of pride in teaching the newest scientific facts--eight planets. sorry, pluto.
darn you preschool and all the prep work! good thing the kids are cute.

but good news, someone left a honeydew melon in my bike basket tonight! what a nice treat.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

high fashion

a slightly more glamorous version of the bike ride home with our newly acquired animals....amy rode with the cage on the back of her bike. and looked pretty much exactly like this model. too bad we have no pictures of that endeavor, or else i'd post proof.

&& i know that two blog posts in 5 minutes is a little weird, but pursuing the blog world {this pic being from this is glamorous} gave me the idea.

picture from editorial - and god created woman; model: abbey lee kershaw; photographer: max doyle; stylist: naomi smith; magazine: vogue australia may 2009 via starbucks and jane austen

the essentials

want to start an english language preschool? make sure you have these things.
1. endless energy. and even more energy than that
2. willingness to look like an idiot everyday
3. really good dance moves [all songs need choreographing]
4. excitement over a $5 turtle only because you know how much the children will get from a live pet
5. enough craziness to buy the turtle, name it dennis, and create a habitat on your patio table
6. lots of time for prep work
7. copier so you don't have to hand draw everything
8. laminator so you don't have to tape everything for it to be protected
9. belief that you are making a difference in the lives of these kids even when they don't speak your language
10. understanding that a three year old and a five year old are HUGELY different.
11. magical drink that soothes your hoarse throat
12. ability to do one million things at one given moment
13. patience patience patience patience patience
14. love for stretching yourself too thin between prepping, teaching, and tutoring. and having your own life if you are adventurous.

i am still looking for numbers 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 14. if you find them anywhere, send them over to taiwan.

Monday, April 20, 2009


so i have always planned on taking a life-heritage trip [an idea stolen from my sister]--going to hong kong and mainland china to visit the places where my mother and grandmother grew up. but then the whole john-legend-going-to-macau-for-his-concert insanity came up and we took the opportunity to boat over to hong kong while we were so close to it. and then my life-heritage trip brought itself to me.

we were able to hang out with one of my great aunts [my grandma's younger sister] and one of my uncles [her son]. they took us to their country club for delicious yum cha and we sipped on flower tea while catching up. they told me that my grandma would remember the country club and that i should talk about with her when i get back to america. and then driving around hong kong, my aunt kept pointing out things like where my mom lived, what buildings she would remember etc. then the real treat came when my aunt suggested tea time...british style. we went to the peninsula hotel and were treated like princesses. and it wasn't until after i had come back to taiwan from hong kong that my mom told me that my grandfather used to WORK there as a tour guide and front desk man. pretty sweet, if you ask me.

then we got to go the hong kong temple. it was sunday, so i didn't get to go inside but it was close enough for me. a year ago, that temple was my desktop picture in my byu freshmen dorm room. who would have thought that a year later, i would be taking pictures in front of the same temple.

pretty sweet how life works out.

next stop, denmark. who wants to come?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the real homeland

i have yet to steal amy's camera to obtain all the good pictures from the insanity of our trip to hong kong and macau. but here are a few pictures to tie you over...

and check out her blog. she is much better at updating than i am.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

i love bugs

amy and i took way too many pictures of insects during our hike. probably because we had just done a unit on bugs with the preschoolers. and because unlike the MONKEY we saw, these bugs wouldn't attack us if we got up in their grillz. [i can retain gangster status even in taiwan]

Monday, April 6, 2009

it might have happened.

i might or might not have dropped $2000 [NTD] on a pair of amazing shoes
i might or might not have done donkey kicks off dumb people proofers of yuli
i might or might not have bought tickets to see john legend in concert in macau
i might or might not have totally forgotten the only paperwork i do anymore
i might or might not have seen monkeys in the mountains while hiking
i might or might not have stayed up till 130 doing relatively useless things
i might or might not have almost stepped on a snake slithering across our path
i might or might not have forgotten to get an ecclesiastical endorsement
i might or might not have a hold on my account preventing me from registering
i might or might not have bought imported fruits for the 1st time in a long time
and i might or might not have felt horribly guilty about eating them

you pick.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

ready. set. learn.

just got back from a short trip to yuli-exhausted but SO glad to have gone. now i am all cuddled up at 3am to watch the latest general conference session. i am so pumped. pictures of adventuring to come.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

teenage motherhood

is not all it is cut out to be. i might have finished a year and a half in college already but none of that has taught me anything about how to be a a 5 day old kitten, abandoned in the back of our preschool. who knew a ball of fur could be so loud and whiny and utterly impossible to hate at the same time? i am trying to keep myself distant in case he does die. [mommy cats do have a good sense for survival of the fittest...not hard to figure out why he got left behind] but as for now i am enjoying almost every minute.

okay so more the minutes that he is asleep than any other time...

p.s. no name yet but i secretly have named him gabriel. don't tell!