Monday, April 6, 2009

it might have happened.

i might or might not have dropped $2000 [NTD] on a pair of amazing shoes
i might or might not have done donkey kicks off dumb people proofers of yuli
i might or might not have bought tickets to see john legend in concert in macau
i might or might not have totally forgotten the only paperwork i do anymore
i might or might not have seen monkeys in the mountains while hiking
i might or might not have stayed up till 130 doing relatively useless things
i might or might not have almost stepped on a snake slithering across our path
i might or might not have forgotten to get an ecclesiastical endorsement
i might or might not have a hold on my account preventing me from registering
i might or might not have bought imported fruits for the 1st time in a long time
and i might or might not have felt horribly guilty about eating them

you pick.

1 comment:

  1. have no idea what an ordeal getting an ecclesiastical endorsement was for me last year, (because i was in spain then new york)...UGH. I had to get it from my home ward bishop the day before I drove back up to provo. unnecessary chaos. I feel for you girl...
